Category: Lifestyle

  • Damatol Medicated Hair, Scalp and Skin Treatment

    Damatol Medicated Hair, Scalp and Skin Treatment

    Ethnic hair is fragile and needs to be treated with the gentlest of care in order for it to flourish. We often accidently abuse our natural hair through negligence, rough treatment or heat damage leaving the hair weak and brittle which can easily snap under pressure.

    Damatol Medicated Hair, Scalp and Skin Treatment  is a product enriched with vitamin A and E to smoothe and protect your hair. Not only is specially formulated to promote hair growth; scalp itching and dandruff, it also helps with skin problems such as eczema, pimples and for aftershave.

    The product caters for a broad range of hair types. From natural hair, relaxed hair, weaves, dreads and even braided hair.

  • Ways to avoid looking like you have a “food baby”

    Ways to avoid looking like you have a “food baby”


    babybumpPoor Jennifer Garner was recently photographed with a little bump and has everyone jumping to conclusions, though this has since been denied ( it could still be true and they are just keeping it quiet!). Nonetheless Jennifer Aniston has been “pregnant” so many times! As has Beyonce! Kourtney Kardashian IS actually pregnant again but she was “pregnant” a few times last year. 

    Yes, we all have our belly bloat days, so I thought I would look in to how to avoid looking like you have a little “food baby”.

    The first thing is to eat slowly. If you eat quickly, you gulp in excess air which lands up in your stomach causing bloating. Don’t skip meals, this also causes a gas build up. Avoid chewing gum!

    Next, watch what you eat and drink as well as the quantities. Avoid foods that produce gas like onions, cabbage and beans if you are planning on wearing a bodycon dress (note to Jen Aniston)! You may also get bloated if you are gluten or lactose intolerant or even have a sensitivity to these types of foods. So keep a food diary if you suffer from bloating to get an idea of what your tummy might be sensitive to.

    Eat small meals regularly, as eating a big volume all at once will obviously cause your tummy to swell. Fizzy cooldrinks are a no-no… even just plain old carbonated water can cause that tum to swell. Don’t drink through a straw as this also causes bloating.

    If you do get a little bloated, try lying on your left side as this sometimes helps to release the gas more easily. And wear something loose fitting, so you won’t get everyone speculating on whether you have a little “bun” in that oven.

    Article by: Maryanne Young

  • Aquaflosser


    Floss with water with the Aquaflosser. Rechargeable electronic flosser that does the work for you 🙂

  • Super Foods for Super Hair

    Super Foods for Super Hair


    Vitamins+nutritious diet = healthy hair. Here’s why:

    Did you know that hair is dead from the roots down? The living parts of our hair are the follicles, which are found under your scalp. So there’s very little we can do to keep the lengths looking healthy and nourished unless we work from the inside out. To give your hair follicles a nutrient boost you need to treat them from the inside out by eating foods filled to the brim with essential fatty acids and vitamins.

    Read on for our list of the hair-friendly foods to include in your grocery cart for healthy hair from root to tip.

    OILY FISH: Salmon and Mackerel contain essential ingredient like iron, protein and Omega-3 Fatty Acids. Usually when women hear the words fat or fatty we run for the hills. Not so with Omega-3 Fatty Acids, which are not found naturally in the body and assist in keeping the scalp healthy and hair shiny. If you’re not a fan of fish then omega-3 can also be found in walnuts, avocados and pumpkin seeds.

    DARK GREEN VEGETABLES: Your parents were onto something when they insisted you eat your greens as a child. Dark green vegetables, like spinach, broccoli and swiss chard, are packed with high amounts of vitamins A and C as well as iron and calcium, which work to produce sebum in our scalps and strengthen our hair. Sebum is known as a natural hair conditioner, so get munching on your greens girls!

    LEGUMES: Legumes such as kidney beans and lentils contain protein, which helps to promote hair growth. They also contain iron, zinc, and biotin. Biotin is vital in the prevention of brittle, broken hair as it activates enzymes that kickstart the metabolism. Legumes also contain iron, zinc and protein, all ingredients that improve hair strength.

    NUTS: Go nuts for nuts, literally! As they contain large quantities of selenium, alpha-linoleic acid, zinc and Omega-3 Fatty Acids. They’re like a wonder product for hair health as they treat the scalp as well as the hair follicles. Alpha-linoleic acid and zinc work to prevent hair loss while selenium, zinc and Omega-3 fatty acids condition the hair. That’s why Walnuts, Pecans, cashews and almonds should all be included on your shopping list.

    ingredients for healthy hair

    LOW-FAT DAIRY PRODUCTS: The next time you purchase your dairy products make sure it’s the low-fat variety. Not only will your waistline thank you but so will your hair. Low-fat dairy products contain one of the key nutrients in the quest for healthy hair growth, calcium. Also found in your low-fat yoghurt, milk or cottage cheese are Whey and Casein, both of which are hair growth essentials.

    PROTEIN PRODUCTS: Our hair is made up of protein so it’s important we provide it with more. Whether you prefer a roast chicken or plate of oysters it’s important to include protein in your diet. A lack of protein in your diet can cause brittle, dull and lacklustre hair. So get munching on poultry products like chicken, eggs and turkey, which contains the highest quality of protein, iron, vitamin B12 and biotin.
    If poultry isn’t your thing then oysters may be the answer. Each oyster contains zinc, a powerful antioxidant known for it’s contribution to healthy hair. Red meats, like beef or lamb, also contain proteins, however they should be eaten in moderation.

    CARROTS: Thought carrots were only good for your eyesight? Think again! Packed with Vitamin A carrots can also assist in your mission for a healthy mane as they assist in maintaining healthy sebum production, meaning no more dry, itchy scalp.

    So there you have it, the foods you should be eating to keep that healthy head of hair. Do you have any food secrets that help keep your hair healthy? Share them with us in the comments section below.

    If you’re guilty of not including these important nutrients in your diet then share your #GuiltyHairSecret with Dove and stand the chance of winning fantastic prizes! Head on over to their Facebook page now and confess!

  • Mitchum Advanced

    Mitchum Advanced

    The new and improved Mitchum formulation releases pure oxygen, a powerful Odour fighter, across all formats including stick solid, roll on, and gel.

  • Colgate Herbal Propolis Toothpaste

    Colgate Herbal Propolis Toothpaste

    Colgate Herbal Propolis toothpaste helps keep your gums healthy and teeth strong. Its unique formula combines the oral care science of Colgate with nature’s best ingredients. Propolis is known to contain many essential vitamins and minerals, and has a remarkable ability to fight and prevent many types of bacteria, funguses and viruses. It also has natural anti-bacterial properties and is known as “nature’s anti-biotic”. Healthy gums – Strong teeth – Freshens breath – Helps fight cavities – Fresh mint taste

  • Colgate 360 Optic White Toothbrush

    Colgate 360 Optic White Toothbrush

    Colgate 360 Optic White Toothbrush specially designed to whiten teeth.

  • Mentadent P Whitening Toothpaste

    Mentadent P Whitening Toothpaste

    Whitening Toothpaste -Helps remove plaque and prevent plaque regrowth -Helps to prevent new tartar build-up -leaves teeth cleaner and whiter -helps prevent stains -Mentadent P Whitening also has a fluoride system that delivers fluoride effectively to help strengthene teeth and fight cavities while freshening your breath

  • Luxury Hand Cleanser

    Luxury Hand Cleanser

    Spread love, not germs. This pocket-sized bottle contains natural ingredients and powerful germ killers that, wherever you go, get hands clean and lightly scented with Japanese Cherry Blossom.

  • Colgate Plax Mouthwash

    Colgate Plax Mouthwash

    Bottled mouthwash found in different flavors.