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How to get rid of foot odour


What is that smell??? It couldn’t be your, er, your feet, could it? No, no, of course not. That would be so embarrassing. It must be something else. Perhaps that piece of cheese fell behind the sofa-last month.  Yes, that’s it. Thank goodness that’s settled. Now you won’t have to read these odour-eating tips…. But first, could you maybe put your shoes back  on- and stick around for the following advice?

fifa2-11-7-2012Wash-OFTEN: It may sound elementary, but you should keep your feet scrupulously clean. Use warm, soapy water and wash your feet as often as need-several times a day if you perspire a lot or notice an odour. Scrub gently with a soft brush, even between your toes, and be sure to dry your feet thoroughly.

Powder your toes: After washing, apply foot powder, cornstarch or anti-fungal spray. Another good method for keeping feet cool and dry is to treat your shoes-sprinkle the insides with talc or cornstarch.

Use an antiperspirant: The key to controlling odour is to use either an antiperspirant or a deodorant right on your feet. You can buy foot deodorants or simply use your underarm brand. Be aware, however, that although deodorants eliminate odour, they don’t stop perspiration. Antiperspirants take care of both problems. If you have active athlete’s foot lesions rather use roll-on products rather than sprays because most spray’s antiperspirant action is lost in the air. Use the product two or three times a day in the beginning, then gradually cut back to once a day.

cute white socksChange your socks often: The logical approach to excessively sweaty, odoriferous feet is to change socks as frequently as possible-even three or four times a day. And always wear socks made of natural fibres, such as cotton, because they are far more absorbent than synthetic materials.

Show shoe sense: Closed shoes aggravate sweaty feet and set up a perfect environement for bacteria to grow, leading to more odour and more sweat. Choose sandals and open-toed shoes when appropriate, but stay away from runner and plastic shoes, which don’t allow feet to breathe easily. And never wear the same shoes two days in a row. It takes at least 24 hours for shoes to dry out thoroughly.

Try inserts: Some shoe inserts, such as Odor-Eaters, contain charcoal, which absorbs moisture and helps control odour.

Stay cool: The sweat glands in your feet, similar to those in your armpits and palms, respond to emotions. Stress, whether good or bad, can trigger excessive sweating. That, in turn, can increase bacterial activity in your shoes, leading to extra odour. So try not get yourself into a stressful rut!

Watch what you eat: As bizarre as this may sound,when you eat spicy or pungent foods (such as onions, peppers or garlic) the essence of these odours can be excreted through the sweat glands on your feet. So, yes, your feet can end up smelling like your lunch!
Go and get your feet active with these tips and you can be sure to berunning freely with no worry in the world!

For more tips on how to keep your feet looking and feeling beautiful, read our article: Tips for Healthy and Sexy Feet

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