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Parmalat #MilkMadeEasy Project Wrap Up 🤩🥛

Parmalat #MilkMadeEasy Project Wrap Up 🤩🥛

If you’re lactose intolerant or you shop for lactose-free milk then you know how hard it is to find a great lactose-free milk that still tastes great, and we know that you want to enjoy all the delicious dairy the world has to offer, without the pain! That’s we recruited 100 lactose-free shoppers to put Parmalat EasyGest milk to the test!😍

They’re tired of sitting on the sidelines while their friends enjoy their creamy lattes, frothy cappuccinos, and delicious bowls of cereal without a care in the world! They need #MilkMadeEASY and were the perfect group to put EasyGest milk to the test and to show us how they use the milk to enjoy life’s everyday indulgences. Is Parmalat EasyGest #MilkMadeEASY? Check out their posts to see what they had to say. 👇


See their post rollouts below:


Week One’s Story 


Let’s be honest, only those of us who struggle with lactose-intolerance understand how restrictive it is. 👀 Well, with Parmalat EasyGest, we no longer have to suffer the consequences associated with our favourite creamy treats. Our 100 lactose-intolerant influentials put the Parmalat EasyGest milk to the test and were thrilled to discover that their dairy-related discomfort was a thing of the past! 

In this post, the influentials shared their lactose struggles and their authentic reasons for wanting to try Parmalat EasyGest. They agreed that #NotAllMilkIsEqual and shared their excitement around Parmalat’s extensive range of milk that everyone can now enjoy. They also encouraged their audiences to follow the #MilkMadeEASY conversation and to stay tuned for their upcoming taste test. 

Week Two’s Story 


In this post, our lactose-free team of influentials put Parmalat EasyGest to the test with a basic taste test. The influentials made all their favourite basics (such as tea, coffee, and cereal) using Parmalat EasyGest and shared their first impressions with their audiences. 


They noted that Parmalat EasyGest was sweet and creamy and showed this with their frothy drinks, creamy hot chocolates, and milk mustaches. The popular iced-coffee trend that has taken over social media made an appearance for this post with many of our influentials showing us their own personal take on iced-coffee recipes.  

Our influentials were thrilled to report no discomfort or unpleasant consequences following their taste tests. Parmalat EasyGest came through by allowing them to enjoy lactose-free milk that has no unpleasant aftertaste and tastes just like regular milk. 

Week Three’s Story


Throughout this week, the influentials created videos that showed them making the creamiest and most delicious meals using Parmalat EasyGest. They expressed their excitement about being able to make their favourite meals that they previously weren’t able to enjoy. 


For this post, the influentials made a variety of lactose-free sweet and savoury meals and shared the recipes with their followers. All the creamy pastas, decadent milk tarts, and fluffy pancakes emphasized just how versatile Parmalat EasyGest is and how it really is #MilkMadeEASY.

Week Four’s Story


In this post, the influentials shared their final review of Parmalat EasyGest. After using it for the past few weeks, the influentials gave it a five-star rating. They were so impressed that most of them reported that Parmalat EasyGest would be a new staple in their household and that they would continue to repurchase it for their families. 


Even those that didn’t suffer from lactose-intolerance agreed that Parmalat EasyGest tastes exactly like milk that contains lactose. Our lactose-intolerant team highly recommended that their audiences give Parmalat EasyGest a try by encouraging to click the shop link in their bios as #NotAllMilkIsEqual. 

About Parmalat EasyGest:


Finally, you can indulge in your favourite treats without feeling left out or suffering the consequences. No more avoiding dairy or settling for bland substitutes – Parmalat says they’ve got you covered with their EasyGest lactose free milk, available in full cream and low fat. It’s time to grab life by the latte with #MilkMadeEASY and enjoy Parmalat EasyGest

For more reviews and information on this product CLICK HERE

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