Brand Advisor

#UnplannedCustardCraving Project Wrap Up

#UnplannedCustardCraving Project Wrap Up

Parmalat claims their Vanilla Custard is thick, creamy and delicious, whether it’s hot or cold, and promises to be the perfect partner for your dessert. 

It’s ready-made & available with a twist of a cap, easy to pour and easy to store thanks to the twist cap carton on the 1kg pack. It’s also available in 500g and 1kg cartons and a Lactose-Free option –  Parmalat Custard EasyGest. 

Brand Advisor recruited custard connoisseurs and custard loving families that understand that once that Custard Craving strikes, it’s hard to resist. They got their friends and family together and whipped up dessert recipes that were convenient and easy, ready to go in minutes if not seconds, and put Parmalat Vanilla Custard to the test. 

Was it that must-have pantry item for when the #UnplannedCustardCraving hits? Did it deliver on the Parmalat promise of being thick, creamy and delicious? Did it leave their family and friends saying it’s #SoThickAndCreamy they want to #PourMeAlot?

See below if our 100 Custard Connoisseurs/Lovers thought it was the must-have custard for when that #UnplannedCustardCraving hits? 

The Trial Team

If you think you love custard, this trial team lives for it. Our custard loving trial team always has custard in their pantry and when the custard craving strikes, they’ll whip up something quick and delicious, or just enjoy it straight out the bowl!

See their post rolls out below.

Week One’s Story

REALfluencers authentically shared why they love custard, and how excited they were to try Parmalat’s Vanilla Custard and their NEW lactose-free version – Parmalat Custard EasyGest.

They expressed in their captions that the rich sweetness and creamy texture of Parmalat Custard made it an ideal comfort dessert to satisfy those sweet cravings. Their unique captions got friends, family and followers to reminisce about their childhoods in the comments and how they especially loved having custard as a Sunday dessert.

Week Two’s Story

The #UnplannedCustardCraving has struck! 

In the Post 2 taste test, we saw all the little moments that made Parmalat Custard an unforgettable experience. REALfluencers brought their friends, partners, kids, and families together to enjoy Parmalat Custard all on its own. 

The cute family moments were to die for!

Week Three’s Story

REALfluencers slapped on their aprons and showed us exactly why Parmalat Custard was the must-have pantry item for when those dessert cravings creep up on us.

What followed were super easy, delicious dessert recipes with Parmalat Custard. No matter the dessert, Parmalat Custard is perfectly paired with every single one. 

They spruced up their fruits, biscuits, yoghurt, baked breads and left over cakes with a dollop of Parmalat Custard and transformed them into delicious, easy desserts.

Followers also stood a chance to win an amazing hamper with Parmalat.

Week Four’s Story

REAlfluencers wrapped up the #UnplannedCustardCraving journey by giving their final verdict on Parmalat’s Vanilla Custard. 

REALfluencers were so impressed that their lactose intolerant families could join in on the custard loving fun with the EasyGest Custard and highly recommended that families stock up on this heavenly dessert.

About Parmalat Vanilla Custard

Parmalat Vanilla Custard is the must-have pantry essential every custard lover needs. It’s ready made and available at the twist of a cap for when the #UnplannedCustardCraving strikes with a Lactose-Free option –  Parmalat Custard EasyGest. 

For more reviews, CLICK HERE.

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