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Get lucky with SKYN condoms!

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Love sex?
Sure you do.

Love condoms?
Didn’t think so.

What if we told you there was a fun-loving Polyisoprene (that means latex-free!) condom that heightens sensitivity and puts your pleasure first?
That would change everything, right?

SKYN condoms look like ordinary condoms, but they feel different because they’re made from super-soft, Latex-free Polyisoprene. Their manufacturers say that they feel like ‘the closest thing to wearing nothing’ and that ‘97 percent of people who try them, recommend them’.

Sound too good to be true?
Fill in your details and answer the two easy questions below to enter to WIN with SKYN and put these little wonders to the test.
One BB stands the chance to WIN a SKYN Pamper Hamper worth over R1000.



Want a hint? Find the answers here.
Let’s get it on girls!


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